Friday 12 August 2011


The origin of vampires is a mystery. No one knows how, when and where their origin was. There are many stories regarding the vampires but no one knows which one is true and which one to believe. There are cases that vampires do live among humans.
The most basic things to identify a vampire between humans is that they usually have a pale skin.Humans can’t digest blood let alone get color from it, real vampires do.
They prefer things like raw or bloody meats, but will also eat cooked protein-food or even... normal foods. However, if you see them specifically avoiding garlic (it makes them ill) or feasting on the blood of the innocent.

One such legend of vampires in Asia is given below. Legends of female vampire-like beings who can detach parts of their upper body also occur in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. There are two main vampire-like creatures in the Philippines: the Tagalog mandurugo ("blood-sucker") and the Visayan manananggal ("self-segmenter"). The mandurugo is a variety of the aswang that takes the form of an attractive girl by day, and develops wings and a long, hollow, thread-like tongue by night. The tongue is used to suck up blood from a sleeping victim. The manananggal is described as being an older, beautiful woman capable of severing its upper torso in order to fly into the night with huge bat-like wings and prey on unsuspecting, sleeping pregnant women in their homes. They use an elongated proboscis-like tongue to suck fetuses from these pregnant women. They also prefer to eat entrails (specifically the heart and the liver) and the phlegm of sick people.

The ways u can destroy a vampire:
1) Put a stake of wood or metal has to be driven through a vampire's heart, as well as as pinning it to the ground.
2) Exposure to direct sunlight will destroy a vampire, but it is a very painful death.
3) Like the crucifix, holy water is powerful because of the user's faith and belief in Jesus Christ. Holy water is just plain water that has been blessed by a religious holy man. When holy water is cast onto the vampires skin it burns like acid leaving burns and causing extreme pain.
4) This will also kill a vampire, but tit must be burned down to absolute dust. If not, then the creature can replenish itself with the right amount of blood. It is a slow and agonizing process.

Here's a link that supplies u with more information on vampires : Vampires